


Approx. 25 km to Kutchan Station / 32 minutes by car


Central Iwanai 633 tsubo Land


48-1, Aza-Higashiyama, Iwanai-cho, Iwanai-gun, Hokkaido

Property NO Sale006
Type of the title Freehold ownership
Registered area 2,095.32sqm / 633.83tsubo
Land category Residential
Roadside situation 2way
City planning area Undesignated area
Zoning Quasi residential zone
Building coverage ratio 60%
Floor area ratio 200%
Contribution for private road No
Utilities Power: Hokkaido Electric power Co., Inc.
Gas: No (Propane)
Water: Public pipe (There is no service pipe)
Sewer: Public pipe and service pipe
Current situation Vacancy
Handover To be discussed
Remarks The seller shall handover as it is.
Type of transaction Seller